

suńra is an incomplete constructed language. these are rough notes pertaining to the language.


/p t k b d g s z ts ʃ  ʒ h w r j m n ŋ/
<p t k b d g s z ts sh j h w r y m n n>
/a e i o u/
<a e i o u>
  • (C)V(ŋ) syllable structure
  • mora timing
  • unvoiced plosives and fricatives (except for h) may be geminated. the extra consonant comprises a mora, e.g.

    (k)(ka) ← each mora is parethesized


  • the first syllable of a word is pronounced at a higher pitch.
  • the last syllables of a word at the end of a sentence are pronounced at a lower pitch.




  • ka → 1s
  • kai → 1p
  • ta → 2s
  • tai → 2p
  • na → 3s
  • nai → 3p
  • ra → demonstrative (singular/plural)
  • ro → reflexive
  • toshu → interrogative

verb conjugation

  • -i → intransitive
  • -a → transitive

    • an transitive verb has a subject and object, whereas an intransitive verb only has a subject. verbs in these conjucations can be used:

      • as the main verb of the sentence

        "ka kinegi toa" → "I am eating plants"

      • to modify nouns in the sentence

        "ka kinegi rezi toa" → "I am eating good plants"

        "api surusukiń tinońmi teja saa" → "bees are insects that make a sweetner"

  • -u → infinitive

  • -ui → infinitive intransitive
  • -ua → infininive transitive

    • the infinitive conjugations allow a verb to act as a noun. verbs conjugated with "-u" stand on their own, and those with "-ui" or "-ua" accept subjects and objects.

      "ka hosekui api herissa" → "my existence is related to bees"

      "tou no retu zea hassi" → "eating is necessary for living"

      "resha ro suttua rezi" → "people talking with each other is good"

  • -e → imperative intransitive

  • -ea → imperative transitive
    • an imperative verb may only be used as the main verb of the sentence. the subject is omitted, as it is implicitly the listener.

      "kumań toea" → "eat food"

verb suffixes

  • -tese → irrealis
    • to be added to anything that hasn't or isn't happening, which includes the future, possibilities, and hypotheticals.
  • -kka → passive
  • -seń → negative
  • -wao → perfect aspect
  • -doma → comparative/superlative
  • -ppihu → excessive (rezu → "good"; rezuppihu → "too good")

sentence/verb conjunction particles

these particles may be placed between two verb phrases to coordinate them. the subject of the coordinated verb phrases is the same:

"api kinetoi me tinońmi teja" → "bees pollinate and make a sweetener"

these particles may also be placed between two complete sentences to coordinate them:

"api kinetoi taso ka ra igaseń" → "bees pollinate, but I do not"

  • me → and
  • ni → or
  • iti → because
  • koń → so/and thus
  • taso → yet

misc particles

  • no → adverbialize

    • "no" followed by a verb phrase will modify the postceding verb adverbally, with the modified verb acting as the subject in the adverbial phrase.

      "ka no kussi hoseki" → "I pitifully exist"

      "ka api no zoyai no hańshi ya saa" → "I am only a bee in reality"

  • to → interrogative

    "to tai api saa?" → "are you bees?"

  • tososeń → tag question

    na yasa tososeń?" → "it's funny, isn't it?"


a base 10 number system is utilized. there are words for 0-9 and powers of 10. to express a multiple of a power of 10, adverbialization is utilized.

deku → 10

no nani deku → 80

a number with multiple digits can be expressed by modifying the subject with multiple numbers corresponding to the digit:

api no nani deki jii → 89 bees

a number with multiple digits can be expressed as a single noun in much the same manner via "ketu"

no ni hoki no nani deku keta jiu keta → 389 (noun)

0: zeru
1: iu
2: bu
3: wu
4: bau
5: ku
6: wau
7: raku
8: nanu
9: jiu
10: deku
100: hoku
1000: dehu
10000: yohu
100000: deyohu
1000000: miyonu