path: root/zzcxz.cgi
diff options
authorthe lemons <citrons@mondecitronne.com>2022-02-05 14:32:35 -0600
committerthe lemons <citrons@mondecitronne.com>2022-02-05 14:34:10 -0600
commit0a80a22b8a9d624c83a6e63a0b853ba42e8c3bc0 (patch)
tree024722d4f0c823eb45e04c6a5466b599ce235dbb /zzcxz.cgi
it exists
Diffstat (limited to 'zzcxz.cgi')
1 files changed, 446 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/zzcxz.cgi b/zzcxz.cgi
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..df8d3b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zzcxz.cgi
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env lua
+-- this software is licensed under the terms of the GNU affero public license
+-- v3 or later. view LICENSE.txt for more information.
+-- if you host your own instance, please change the email address in the about
+-- page and clearly distinguish your instance from https://zzcxz.citrons.xyz.
+local env = os.getenv
+local f = io.open("/dev/urandom", 'r')
+local e = f and f:read(1)
+if f then f:close() end
+math.randomseed(os.time() + string.byte(e))
+local function url_encode(str)
+ return (str:gsub("([^A-Za-z0-9%_%.%-%~])", function(v)
+ return string.upper(string.format("%%%02x", string.byte(v)))
+ end))
+local esc_sequences = {
+ ["<"] = "&lt;",
+ [">"] = "&gt;",
+ ['"'] = "&quot;"
+local function html_encode(x)
+ local escaped = tostring(x)
+ escaped = escaped:gsub("&", "&amp;")
+ for char,esc in pairs(esc_sequences) do
+ escaped = string.gsub(escaped, char, esc)
+ end
+ return escaped
+local function parse_qs(str)
+ local function decode(str, path)
+ local str = str
+ if not path then
+ str = str:gsub('+', ' ')
+ end
+ return (str:gsub("%%(%x%x)", function(c)
+ return string.char(tonumber(c, 16))
+ end))
+ end
+ local values = {}
+ for key,val in str:gmatch(string.format('([^%q=]+)(=*[^%q=]*)', '&', '&')) do
+ local key = decode(key)
+ local keys = {}
+ key = key:gsub('%[([^%]]*)%]', function(v)
+ -- extract keys between balanced brackets
+ if string.find(v, "^-?%d+$") then
+ v = tonumber(v)
+ else
+ v = decode(v)
+ end
+ table.insert(keys, v)
+ return "="
+ end)
+ key = key:gsub('=+.*$', "")
+ key = key:gsub('%s', "_") -- remove spaces in parameter name
+ val = val:gsub('^=+', "")
+ if not values[key] then
+ values[key] = {}
+ end
+ if #keys > 0 and type(values[key]) ~= 'table' then
+ values[key] = {}
+ elseif #keys == 0 and type(values[key]) == 'table' then
+ values[key] = decode(val)
+ end
+ local t = values[key]
+ for i,k in ipairs(keys) do
+ if type(t) ~= 'table' then
+ t = {}
+ end
+ if k == "" then
+ k = #t+1
+ end
+ if not t[k] then
+ t[k] = {}
+ end
+ if i == #keys then
+ t[k] = decode(val)
+ end
+ t = t[k]
+ end
+ end
+ return values
+local function redirect(to)
+ return "", {
+ status = '303 see other',
+ headers = { location = to },
+ }
+local function template(str)
+ return function (t)
+ return (str:gsub("$([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*)", function(v)
+ return t[v] or ""
+ end))
+ end
+local base = template [[
+<!doctype html>
+ <head>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/amethyst.css" />
+ <meta charset="utf-8"/>
+ <title>zzcxz: $title</title>
+ <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h1>zzcxz</h1>
+ <main>$content</main>
+ <footer>
+ <div id="about-links">
+ <p><a href="/about">help</a></p>
+ <p><a href="https://citrons.xyz/git/zzcxz.git/about">
+ source code
+ </a></p>
+ <p><a href="https://citrons.xyz">citrons.xyz</a></p>
+ </div>
+ </footer>
+ </body>
+local not_found = function()
+ return
+ base {
+ title = "not found",
+ content = "the content requested was not found.",
+ }, { status = '404 not found' }
+local function parse_directive(line, directives)
+ local directive, args = line:match "^#([A-Z]+)%s*(.-)\n?$"
+ if not directive then
+ return
+ elseif directive == "BACKLINK" then
+ local page, action = args:match "^(%w%w%w%w%w)%s+(.+)$"
+ if not page then return end
+ directives.backlinks = directives.backlinks or {}
+ table.insert(directives.backlinks, {page = page, action = action})
+ elseif directive == "DEADEND" then
+ directives.deadend = true
+ else
+ return
+ end
+ return true
+local function convert_markup(m)
+ local result = {}
+ local directives = {}
+ local code_block = false
+ for line in (m..'\n'):gmatch "(.-)\n" do
+ line = html_encode(line)
+ if not code_block then
+ if line:match "^%s*$" then
+ goto continue
+ end
+ if line:sub(1,1) == '#' and
+ parse_directive(line, directives) then
+ goto continue
+ end
+ if line:sub(1,1) == ' ' then
+ table.insert(result, '<pre><code>')
+ code_block = true
+ else
+ line = line:gsub("%[(.-)%]",
+ function(s)
+ return ('<span class="important">%s</span>'):format(s)
+ end
+ )
+ table.insert(result, ('<p>%s</p>'):format(line))
+ end
+ end
+ if code_block then
+ if line:sub(1,1) == ' ' then
+ table.insert(result, line .. '\n')
+ else
+ table.insert(result, '</code></pre>')
+ code_block = false
+ end
+ end
+ ::continue::
+ end
+ if code_block then
+ table.insert(result, '</code></pre>')
+ code_block = false
+ end
+ return table.concat(result), directives
+local function parse_page(s)
+ local page = {}
+ page.title = s:match "^(.-)\n"
+ page.actions = {}
+ local content = {}
+ for line in (s..'\n'):gmatch "(.-\n)" do
+ if line:sub(1,1) == '\t' then
+ table.insert(content, line:sub(2))
+ else
+ local target, action = line:match "^(%w%w%w%w%w):(.-)\n$"
+ if action then
+ table.insert(page.actions, {action = action, target = target})
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ page.content = table.concat(content)
+ return page
+local function load_page(p, raw)
+ if not p:match("^%w%w%w%w%w$") then return nil end
+ local f, bee = io.open('content/'..p)
+ if not f then return nil end
+ local s = f:read "a"
+ f:close()
+ if not s then return nil end
+ if raw then return s end
+ return parse_page(s)
+local function new_action(page, action, result)
+ local new_name = {}
+ for i=1,5 do
+ table.insert(new_name, string.char(string.byte 'a' + math.random(0,25)))
+ end
+ new_name = table.concat(new_name)
+ assert(not io.open('content/'..new_name, 'r'), "page already exists!")
+ local new = assert(io.open('content/'..new_name, 'w'))
+ local old = assert(io.open('content/'..page, 'a'))
+ action = action:gsub('\n', ' ')
+ assert(new:write(action..'\n'))
+ for line in (result..'\n'):gmatch "(.-\n)" do
+ assert(new:write('\t' .. line))
+ end
+ assert(old:write(('%s:%s\n'):format(new_name, action)))
+ local _, directives = convert_markup(result)
+ if directives.backlinks then
+ for _,d in ipairs(directives.backlinks) do
+ assert(new:write(('%s:%s\n'):format(d.page, d.action)))
+ end
+ end
+ new:close()
+ old:close()
+ return new_name
+local map = {}
+local page_template = template [[
+ <h2>$title</h2>
+ $content
+ <ul class="actions">
+ $actions
+ </ul>
+map["^/g/(%w%w%w%w%w)/?$"] = function(p)
+ local page = load_page(p)
+ if not page then return not_found() end
+ local _, directives = convert_markup(page.content)
+ if env "REQUEST_METHOD" ~= "POST" then
+ local actions = {}
+ for _,a in ipairs(page.actions) do
+ table.insert(actions,
+ ('<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>'):format(
+ html_encode(a.target), html_encode(a.action)))
+ end
+ if not directives.deadend then
+ table.insert(actions,
+ ([[
+ <li><a class="important" href="%s/act#what">%s</a></li>
+ ]]):format(p, #page.actions == 0 and
+ "do something..." or "do something else...")
+ )
+ end
+ return base {
+ title = html_encode(page.title),
+ content = page_template {
+ title = html_encode(page.title),
+ content = convert_markup(page.content),
+ actions = table.concat(actions),
+ },
+ }
+ else
+ if directives.deadend then
+ return base {
+ title = "error",
+ content = "forbidden",
+ }, { status = '403 forbidden' }
+ end
+ local form = parse_qs(io.read "a")
+ form.wyd = form.wyd or "something"
+ form.happens = form.happens or "something"
+ if utf8.len(form.wyd) > 150 then form.wyd = "something" end
+ if utf8.len(form.happens) > 10000 then form.wyd = "something" end
+ local new = new_action(p, form.wyd, form.happens)
+ return redirect("/g/"..new)
+ end
+local edit_template = template [[
+ $content
+ <hr id="what"/>
+ $preview
+ <form method="POST">
+ <p>
+ <a href="/about#rules">READ THIS</a> before touching anything.</a>
+ </p>
+ <h2>what do you do?</h2>
+ <input
+ type="text"
+ id="wyd" name="wyd"
+ value="$title"
+ maxlength="150" required
+ />
+ <h2>what happens next?</h2>
+ <textarea
+ id="happens" name="happens"
+ maxlength="10000" required
+ >$editing</textarea>
+ <div class="buttons">
+ <a href="../$page">cancel</a>
+ <input type="submit" formaction="act#what" value="preview" />
+ $submit
+ </div>
+ </form>
+local preview_template = template [[
+ <h2>$title</h2>
+ $content
+ <hr />
+local submit_template = template [[
+ <input type="submit" formaction="/g/$page" value="submit" />
+map["^/g/(%w%w%w%w%w)/act$"] = function(p)
+ local page = load_page(p)
+ if not page then return not_found() end
+ local _, directives = convert_markup(page.content)
+ if directives.deadend then return not_found() end
+ if env "REQUEST_METHOD" ~= "POST" then
+ return base {
+ title = "do something new",
+ content = edit_template {
+ page = p,
+ content = convert_markup(page.content),
+ },
+ }
+ else
+ local form = parse_qs(io.read "a")
+ form.wyd = form.wyd or "something"
+ form.happens = form.happens or "something"
+ return base {
+ title = "do something new",
+ content = edit_template {
+ page = p,
+ content = convert_markup(page.content),
+ preview = preview_template {
+ title = html_encode(form.wyd),
+ content = convert_markup(form.happens),
+ },
+ title = html_encode(form.wyd),
+ editing = html_encode(form.happens),
+ submit = submit_template { page = p },
+ },
+ }
+ end
+map["^/g/(%w%w%w%w%w)/raw$"] = function(p)
+ local page = load_page(p, true)
+ if not page then return not_found() end
+ return page, { content_type = 'text/plain' }
+map["^/about/?$"] = function()
+ local f = assert(io.open("about.html", 'r'))
+ local h = assert(f:read 'a')
+ f:close()
+ return h
+local function main()
+ if env "PATH_INFO" == "/" then
+ return redirect "/g/zzcxz"
+ end
+ for k,v in pairs(map) do
+ local m = {(env "PATH_INFO"):match(k)}
+ if m[1] then
+ return v(table.unpack(m))
+ end
+ end
+ return not_found()
+local ok, content, resp = pcall(main)
+if not ok or type(content) ~= 'string' then
+ io.stderr:write(content..'\n')
+ content = base {
+ title = "internal error",
+ content = "an internal error occurred."
+ }
+ resp = { status = '500 internal server error' }
+resp = resp or {}
+resp.content_type = resp.content_type or 'text/html'
+resp.status = resp.status or '200 OK'
+resp.headers = resp.headers or {}
+resp.headers['content-type'] = resp.content_type
+for k,v in pairs(resp.headers) do
+ print(("%s: %s"):format(k, v))
+print ""